Thursday, May 29, 2008

Upcycled clothing

We are so excited about adding upcycled clothing to earth babyee. We have been working on some great pieces. Most of the clothes are girls, but we are making some really cute boys stuff as well. (we will post pics as soon as we finish them) All of the clothes are made from reclaimed adult clothing; mostly men's dress shirts and jeans. This is a great way to recycle your clothes that don't fit you anymore or you just don't like. We really try to make every piece unique with attention to detail. I hope you like it as much as we do. We are putting together a summer collection that we will be listing on our etsy shop soon. We are already coming up with designs for our fall collection!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Organic Blocks

Well my son just recently turned five months old and is teething pretty badly. These are the organic blocks stuffed with wool we make. He loves grabbing and chewing on them. The best part is I know that what he's putting in his mouth isn't full of pesticides and other harmful chemicals:) He also loves chewing on these great knitted grapes by!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

first blog

Well this is our first blog and its very exciting! me ( Rebekah) and my sister Jennifer started Earth Babyee in the fall of 2007 and have been trying to create toys, baby wraps and other great stuff ever since. Sometimes its hard, I have 2 boys, Leo is 2 and Noah is 5 months. My sister has three kids. David is 4, Victor is 2, and Patty just turned 1:) Needless to say we keep busy, but we always are inspired by our children when we make new things. Right now were working on some really cute clothes which we've upcycled from reclaimed adult clothing. Tell us what you think!